
App gradle
App gradle

app gradle app gradle

This file contains important metadata about your Android application. The following table lists the Gradle project files that exist for Unity projects and describes the purpose of each one. Gradle project files configure different aspects of your application, such as which modules to include and how to build them. For information on this, see Update Gradle. If you want to use a custom Gradle or Android Gradle plugin version, it’s important to know the version compatibility between Gradle and the Android Gradle plugin.

app gradle

The following table shows compatibility between Gradle version and Unity version. Building an output package (.aab): See Unity documentation on Play Asset Delivery and Android developer documentation on Android app bundles.Building an output package (.apk): See Unity documentation on Building apps for Android and Android developer documentation on configuring your build.Exporting a Unity project as a Gradle project: See Exporting an Android Project.Gradle: See the Gradle user manual and Android Gradle plugin documentation.aab) in Unity, or export a Gradle project from Unity, and then build it with an external tool such as Android Studio. You can either build the output package (.apk. Unity uses Gradle for all Android builds. Gradle is a build system that automates a number of build processes and prevents many common build errors.

App gradle